Walton County Campus
- provide the student body with a formal vehicle for communication with the administration, faculty, and staff of Athens Technical College's Walton County Campus
- provide student representatives with the opportunity to serve in leadership roles
- encourage the opportunity for student involvement in institutional and community improvement projects
The functions of ATSAC are:
- Facilitation of effective communication between the student body and Athens Technical College administration, faculty, and staff
- Participation in approved institutional improvement projects
- Assistance with selected ceremonies and activities sponsored by Athens Technical College
- Representation of the student body in certain public relations activities and recruitment of new students
- Representation of Athens Technical College in selected and approved community projects
- Approving expenditures of student activities funds
- Approving budget requests from student organizations
ATSAC membership is made up of a slate of officers, elected yearly, as well as two appointed or elected representatives from each academic program of the College. Meetings of the body are held monthly and are open to the entire study body. Voting, however, is a function of the official ATSAC membership.
As outlined above, one of the primary functions of ATSAC is the management of student activities funds, generated by the assessment of the student activities fee each term. Student organizations are eligible for these funds, as outlined in the Student Organization Handbook. Other requests for funding can be made by contacting the Office of Student Activities and completing the "Special ATSAC Funding Request" form and following the procedures outlined within that document.