New Student Checklist
☑Financial Aid: Dual Enrollment Funding Application Go to and complete the ONLINE Dual Enrollment funding application each year you enroll prior to registering for classes! Your counselor (parent if home schooled) must complete the ONLINE course approval section of the application prior to the fee deadline each semester.
- Funding cap: 15 total credits per semester and 30 total credit hours paid by dual enrollment
- Eligibility: 2 maximum withdrawals allowed; after that no additional paid dual enrollment (Grades include W, WP, & WF)
- Students must self-pay for all tuition and fees not covered by dual enrollment funding.
- HOPE Career Grant available for only specified certificate and diploma programs after exhausting 30 funding hours
- NOTE: Students are NOT allowed to remain in classes without funding!
New Student
Click here to complete the New Student Orientation
E Learning
Click here to complete the E-Learning/Blackboard Orientation
☑Set up Single Sign On: Email, Banner and Blackboard
⮚Student sample email address: as outlined in the email section of the New Student Orientation. Student email is the student's first name, last name, and last 3 digits of college ID#.
ATC's Single Sign On (SSO), Okta, integrates login for all technology applications.
- Go to
- Input your Student ID and the term you applied for, otherwise you’ll see an error message.
- Email password: temporary one you retrieved; then after 24 hours you can reset it to be unique
- The platform requires a phone number as a security backup for password reset, a security question and a security picture to be chosen.
⮚Passwords expire every 30 days, so if you forget your password or it expires, you'll be able to access none of these resources. You must set up your security questions so you can have access to the self-service password reset. If you need to reset your password, you must use the alternate email you put on your dual enrollment application. Being locked out of technology is NOT an excuse for late work.
☑Advisement and Registration Steps
- Meet with your high school counselor prior to registration to discuss classes you are approved to take. Then you must communicate with your dual enrollment advisor to be registered for college classes.
- NOTE: Dual students cannot register themselves.
- To view ATC classes offered, go to, select “Banner” > “Registration” > “Look up Class”
Select “View Sections”- When looking for a class, make sure that it still has seats remaining and is not closed. Open classes are referenced “SR” for still remaining and closed classes are referenced as “C” for closed.
- If you are choosing a science, you must also choose the lab that goes with it by matching the section numbers.
- Review the START and END dates as some classes are minimesters for the first and last part of the term: F is first half of term and L is last half of term
- Find the location of the class you wish to take. We have 4 college campus locations: Athens/Main, Elbert, Greene, & Walton as well as Online and High School sites where classes are offered. You must choose the specific location for your class, and you are not allowed to attend a class offered at a high school that is not yours.
- Email your dual enrollment advisor to get enrolled in the class you choose. You are dually enrolled, so the class being listed on your high school schedule does NOT mean you have been registered at the college. Your college advisor must register you for ATC courses -- you can’t register yourself.
- Email your dual enrollment advisor the following information:
- Official full name
- College ID#
- Name of high school & counselor
- Grade enrolled in high school
- Subject of course (example ENGL 1101)
- CRN of Course (20123). Remember science classes must have lab & lecture with the same section #.
- Email your dual enrollment advisor the following information:
- To confirm registration, go to your Bannerweb account and review your schedule for accuracy. A few things to note:
- Classes will not be available in Blackboard (learning management platform) until the first day of each semester.
- Students taking online classes must sign in to each online class the first 24 hours of the semester to confirm intent to remain enrolled.
- There is a proctored on-campus midterm and/or final exam for all online classes.
- Check your college Academic history each semester to make sure you are meeting the SAP, satisfactory academic progress, to remain eligible academically and financially to enroll each term. The policy is found at this link:
- Login to Bannerweb, select Student Services & Financial Aid, then Registration
- Click Student Detail Schedule and type CTRL + P to Print
- Email a copy to your college schedule to you high school counselor so they can approve your courses on your GAFutures funding application
This ID serves several purposes, including use as a library card to check out your dual enrollment textbooks and access codes as well as may provide discounts at area businesses.
☑ Parking Decals – Go to the Admissions Desk at any campus to get your Parking Decal
This permit serves as the ID for parking at any of the Athens Technical College campus locations. Please display the permit to avoid a parking ticket.
☑ Books/Access Codes – Go to the Athens Campus Library to get your books prior to class!
- Textbooks and Access Codes are provided from the ATC library to all Dual Enrollment students at no charge.
- Students may pick up books/access codes at the Athens campus library on the first day of class, unless earlier pickup is arranged.
- You must return all textbooks to any of our college library locations at the end of each semester. Access codes do NOT have to be returned.
- If you would like your books sent to a different campus library or would like to arrange for possible earlier pick-up, please email to see if that is an option. Check your syllabus and with your instructors for a list of required course supplies.
- NOTE: Supplies, if required, are not provided for dual enrolled students; you purchase those on your own.
- To receive assistance with any technology for Email, Blackboard/E-Learning, or Bannerweb, go to link: and follow the directions.
- Email your instructors ASAP to let them know you are having technology difficulty and that you have put in an IT ticket for assistance as technology is required to be successful in your classes.