Earn college credit while still in high school.
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Athens Technical College offers opportunities for high school students to take college courses while in high school through the Dual Enrollment program. Courses can be taken on-campus, online, or at some high school locations. For eligible students, ATC courses can be taken free of charge covering tuition, mandatory fees, and textbooks.

The Office of Dual Enrollment is here to assist you in navigating this opportunity to get a head start on your college career. If you have any questions, please send us an email at dualenrollment@athenstech.edu.


Any student in grades 10th through 12th under the age of 22 with a minimum of 2.0 unweighted GPA is eligible to apply.

How do I apply?

*SAT/ACT scores are required for 10th grade students choosing Associate Degree level courses.

What if I'm home schooled?

Follow the home school information on www.GAFutures.org link for more information. For GAFutures questions, contact dualenrollment@gsfc.org.

What classes can I take?

ATC offers a variety of courses each semester. The approved courses for dual enrollment are found on the dual enrollment course directory https://www.gafutures.org/hope-state-aid-programs/scholarships-grants/dual-enrollment/course-directory/.

There are 28 general education courses taught by TCSG colleges that are guaranteed to transfer to any of the University System of Georgia’s colleges and universities. TCSG has transfer agreements with many of Georgia’s private colleges as well. See GATRACS Course Transfer Information

Please see TCSG's Dual Enrollment page for more information.

How do I register?

Register for classes by following the instructions on the links below.

Deadlines and College Calendar

Refer to the academic calendar for specific dates each year in the College Catalog

Semester Application Deadline GAFutures Financial Aid Application Deadline Registration Opens Classes Begin
Fall April 1 June June August
Spring November 1 October October January
Summer April 1 March March May

Additional Helpful Information

Meet your Athens Technical College Advisors

Office of Dual Enrollment
Location: Athens Campus, Building H

Tracie McGhee, High School Coordinator, tmcghee@athenstech.edu,706-425-3060
Serving Elbert, Morgan, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, Washington Wilkes, and Home Schools

Tracie McGhee earned a Bachelor's in Business Administration in Marketing from the University of Georgia and has served as the college's High School Coordinator since 2008. Tracie has worked with the technical education system since 1999 working in Economic Development, Admissions, Advisement, Testing, and Dual Enrollment.

Michele Petee, Career Academy Coordinator, mpetee@athenstech.edu,706-355-5045
Serving Clarke, Greene, Hart, Madison, Social Circle & Walton

Michele Petee earned a Bachelor of Science from California State University, at Sacramento and has served as the college’s Career Academy Coordinator since 2017. She has been employed at Athens Technical College since July of 2007 working in the WIOA, Financial Aid, and Dual Enrollment.