- Audit Request:Use this form to request permission to audit a class. This form must be signed by the dean and turned into Registration and Records Office. More information on auditing a course can be found in the college catalog
- Credit by Exam Request: Use this form to request permission to attempt to earn credit by exam. This form must be signed by your advisor and the instructional program chair. More information on attempting credit by exam can be found in the college catalog
- Diploma Replacement Form: Use this form when you wish to request a new diploma. There is a $25 charge for a new copy of your diploma.
- Drop/Add Form:Use this form when you wish to add or drop a class during the official drop/add period (first three days of the semester only). This form must be signed by you, your advisor, and a financial aid counselor and submitted to the Registration and Records Office. More information on drop/add policies can be found in the college catalog.
- Test Score Release Form
- Out Of Program Form-Use this form when you wish to take a course that is not in your program of study. This form must be signed by your advisor in order to receive the approval needed to register.
- Transient Request:Use this form when you wish to take a class at another institution. This form must be turned into Registration & Records in the H building. More information on transient status can be found in the college catalog.
- Restriction/Release of Information Form-use this form to restrict or release your student record information to third-party agencies or people
- Withdrawal Form:Use this form when you wish to withdraw from a class after the official drop/add period and are unable to complete the process through your BannerWeb account. This form must be signed by you and a financial aid counselor and submitted to the Registration and Records Office. After the 61% withdrawal deadline, your instructor must assign a grade of WP or WF and sign the form before it is submitted. More information on withdrawing from classes can be found in the college catalog.